- Mikrotik now widely used by ISPs, hotspot
providers, or by the owner of thecafe. Mikrotik OS router makes the
computer into a reliable network that is equippedwith various features
and tools, for both wired and wireless. In this tutorial the
author presents a discussion and a simple and simpleinstructions on
configuring the proxy for certain purposes and the public is
typicallycollected in server / router cafe as well as other tissues,
such configuration forexample, for server NAT, Bridging, BW management,
and MRTG.Mikrotik version I use for this tutorial is MikroTik RouterOS
2.9.27Access MikroTik: 1. via console Mikrotik router board
or PC can be accessed directly via the console / shell and remote
access using putty (www.putty.nl) 2. via Winbox Mikrotik can
also be accessed / remotely using software tools Winbox 3. via web
Mikrotik can also be accessed via web / port 80 by using a
browser • Naming MikroTik[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > system identity
print name: "Mikrotik"[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > system identity
editvalue-name: nameEnter the editor type for example I change the name
IATG-SOLO:IATG-SOLOC-c quit C-o save&quit C-u undo C-k cut line C-y
pasteEdit and then press Clrl-O to save and exit the editor
If using Winbox, it looks like this: •
Changing the name of the interface:[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /interface
printFlags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - running # NAME
ether 0 0 1500 1 R
ether2 ether 0 0
1500[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /interface edit 0value-name: nameThe value 0
is the value ether1, if you want to replace ethet2 value 0 replaced by
1.Entrance to the editor, for example I replace it with name
local:localC-c quit C-o save&quit C-u undo C-k cut line C-y paste
Edit and then press Cltr-o to save and exit the editor, Do the same for
interfaces ether2, so that if seen again will appear like
this:[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /interface printFlags: X - disabled, D -
dynamic, R - running # NAME TYPE RX-RATE
TX-RATE MTU 0 R local ether 0
0 1500 1 R public ether 0
0 1500
Via Winbox: Select the menu interface, click the
name of the interface that wants to be edited, so itappears the edit
window interface. • Setting IP Address:[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /ip
address addaddress: local[ropix@IATG-SOLO] >
/ip address printFlags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic #
local Enter the IP address value in the column address and
netmask, enter the name of theinterface that wants to be given an IP
address. For public interface Interface 2,namely, the same way as above,
so that if seen again will be 2interfaces:[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /ip
address printFlags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic # ADDRESS
local 1
Via Winbox: • Make Mikrotik NAT Network
Address Translation or more commonly referred to as NAT is a method
toconnect more than one computer to the Internet network using a single
IP address.Number of use of this method due to limited availability of
IP addresses, the need forsecurity , and the ease and flexibility in
network administration. Currently, the widely used IP protocol is IP
version 4 (IPv4). With a length of theaddress 4 bytes means that there
are 2 to the power 32 = 4,294,967,296 IP addressesavailable. This amount
is theoretically the number of computers that can directlyconnect to
the internet. Because of this limitation most of the ISPs (Internet
ServiceProvider) will only allocate one address for one user and this
address is dynamic,meaning that a given IP address will be different
every time the user connects to theInternet. This will make it difficult
for businesses to lower middle class. On the onehand they need more
computers are connected to the Internet, but on the other handonly one
IP address which means there is only one computer that can connect to
theinternet. This can be overcome by using NAT. By NAT gateways that run
on onecomputer, one IP address can be shared with several other
computer and they canconnect to the internet simultaneously. Suppose we
want to hide the local network / LAN
one IP address provided by ISP, which we use is a feature of Mikrotik
sourcenetwork address translation (masquerading). Masquerading changes
the data packetsfrom the IP address and port from the network to be forwarded to the global
Internet network.
To use masquerading, source NAT rule with action
masquerade should be added tothe firewall
configuration:[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /ip firewall nat add
chain=srcnataction=masquerade out-interface=publicIf using Winbox, will
look like this: • As a transparent web proxy mikrotik One function
is to store the proxy cache. If a LAN uses a proxy to connect to
theInternet, it is done by the browser when a user accesses a web server
URL is to takethese requests on a proxy server. Whereas if the data is
not contained in the proxyserver then proxies to pick up directly from
the web server. Then the request is stored
in the cache proxy. Furthermore, if there are
clients who make requests to the sameURL , it will be taken from the
cache. This will make access to the Internet faster. How to ensure that
each user accessing the Internet through a web proxy that we
haveenabled? To this we can apply the transparent proxy. With
transparent proxy, everybrowser on computers that use this gateway
automatically goes through a proxy.Enabling web proxy in mikrotik
fiture:[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /ip proxy set enabled=yes[ropix@IATG-SOLO]
> /ip web-proxy setcache-administrator=
ropix.fauzi@infoasia.net[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /ip web-proxy
printenabled: yessrc-address: 3128hostname:
"IATG-SOLO"transparent-proxy: yesparent-proxy: "ropix.fauzi@infoasia.net"max-object-size:
8192KiBcache-drive: systemmax-cache-size: unlimitedmax-ram-cache-size:
unlimitedstatus: runningreserved-for-cache:
4733952KiBreserved-for-ram-cache: 2048KiB Make a rule for transparent
proxy on the firewall NAT, precisely there masqueradingunder the rule
for NAT:[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat
in-interface=local src-address= protocol=tcp
dst-port=80action=redirect to-ports=3128[ropix@IATG-SOLO] > /ip
firewall nat printFlags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic 0
chain=srcnat out-interface=public action=masquerade 1 chain=dstnat
in-interface=local src-address= dst-port=80
action=redirect to-ports=3128In Winbox:1. Enable web proxy on the menu
IP> Proxy> Access> Settings (check box enabled)
2. Parameter settings on the IP menu> Web
Proxy> Access Settings> General
3. Make a rule for transparent proxy on the menu
IP> Firewall> NAT • Transparent proxy with proxy servers
separate / independent MikroTik Web Proxy built in according to my
observations not so good compared tothe squid proxy in Linux, squid in
Linux has more flexibility to be modified anddiconfigure, eg for
delay-pool feature and ACL lists that include files, not in the
proxyseries 2.9.x.Usually most people prefer to create their own proxy
servers, with PC Linux /FreeBSD and live directing all clients to the
PC.Topology PC proxy can be in a local network or using public
ip.Configuration almost similar to the transparent proxy, the difference
is in the actionNAT rule is as follows:
In the above example is the IP proxy
server port 8080 • Mikrotik as a bandwidth limiter Mikrotik can
also be used for bandwidth limiter (queue). To control the data
rateallocation mechanism. In general there are 2 types of bandwidth
management at the proxy, the simple queueand queue trees. Please use one
only. The next tutorial mikrotik all settings using Winbox, because it
is more user friendlyand efficient.Simple queue: For example we will
limit the bandwidth of the client with ip that is
forupstream and downstream 128kbps 64kbpsSettings on the menu Queues>
Simple QueuesQueue treeClick the ip> firewall> magle
Make a rule (click the + red) with the following
parameters:On the General tab:Chain = forward,Src.address =
(or ip who want the limit)On the Action tab:Action = mark-connection,
New connection-mark = client3 con (or the name of the mark we created
adistinguished conection)Click Apply and OK
Create another rule with the following
parameters:On the General tab: chain = forward,Connection mark =
client3-con (choose from dropdown menu)On the Action tab:Action =
mark-packet,New pcket Mark = client3 (or the name of the packet we
created a distinguishedmark)Click Apply and OKClick the Queues>
Queues Tree
Make a rule (click the + red) with the following
parameters:On the General tab:Name = client3-in (eg),Parent = public
(which is the direction of outgoing interface),Mark = client3 Package
(choose from the dropdown, just that we make to magle)Queue Type =
default,Priority = 8,Max limit = 64k (for setting the bandwidth max
download)Click aplly and Ok
Create another rule with the following
parameters:On the General tab:Name = client3-up (eg),Parent = local (as
an interface into which direction),Mark = client3 Package (choose from
the dropdown, just that we make to magle)Queue Type = default,Priority =
8,Max limit = 64k (for setting max upload bandwidth)Click aplly and
OkMikrotik as Bridging Bridge is a way to connect two separate network
segments together in a protocolitself. Packages that are forwarded based
on Ethernet addresses, not IP addresses(such as routers). Because the
packet forwarding done at Layer 2, all protocols can bevia a bridge. So
the analogy is like this, you have a local network
gateway to anADSL modem which also as a router with a local ip and public ip222.124.21.26. You want to create a proxy
server and proxy as a BW management for all clients.Well want to put the
location for the PC mikrotik? Among the hub / switch andgateway /
modem? Do not be like him as a NAT and we have to add 1 block ioprivate
again different from the gateway modem? The solution set as a bridging
proxy, so seolah2 he only bridge between UTP cableonly. Topology as
bridging using Winbox1. Add a bridge interface Click the Interface menu
and then click the + sign to add a red color interface, selectthe
to name bridge interface, eg, we named bridge12.
adding ether interface on the local and public interfaceClick the IP>
Bridge> Ports, then click the + sign to add a new rule:Make 2 rules,
to local and public interface.3. Giving IP address to bridge interface
Click the IP menu and then click the + sign to add an interface IP, eg,select bridge1 interface (or the name of the bridge
interface that we created earlier)
By giving the IP address on bridge interface, the
proxy can be either remote from thenetwork which is connected to a local
interface or the public.Mikrotik as MRTG / Graphing Graphing is a tool
in mokrotik enabled to monitor changes in the parameters at anytime.
Changes that change the form of graphs uptodate and can be accessed
using abrowser.Graphing can display the information in the form:*
Resource usage (CPU, Memory and Disk usage)* Traffic passing through the
interfaces* Traffic through simple queuesActivating the function
grappingClick the Tools menu> Graphing> Resource RulesIs to enable
graphing for Mikrotik resource usage. While allow address is anywhereIP
that can access these charts, / 0 for all ip address.Click the
Tools menu> Graphing> Interface Rules Is to enable graphing for
monitoring traffic passing through the interface, pleaseselect which
interface you want monitored, or select "all" for all.
Graphing consists of two parts, first to collect
information / data that both show in aweb format. To access the
graphics, type the URL with the format http://[Router_IP_address] /
graphs / and choose from the menus there, where you want todisplay
graphics.Sample results graph for traffic public interface: Similarly,
the authors convey a little tutorial for just sharing the knowledge
orsimplify for easy understanding of the tutorials that are already
available on theofficial site mikrotik.
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