Friday, 16 January 2015

How to Enable/Disable Web Access in VMWare ESXi Server

This article provides steps to disable VMware Web Access services and prevent the login user interface from appearing via http and https. It also provides steps to enable VMware Web Access services once again in the future.

To disable VMware Web Access:
  1. Log in as root to the ESX host using an SSH client.
  2. Run this command to stop the VMware Web Access service:

    service vmware-webAccess stop
  3. To prevent the service from starting again upon reboot, run the command:

    chkconfig –-level 345 vmware-webAccess off
  4. After disabling the Web Access service you can browse the index page of the ESX host and download the VMware Infrastructure or vSphere Client from it, but you cannot log into Web Access from the page.
    To enable VMware Web Access:
    1. Log in as root to the ESX host using an SSH client.
    2. Run this command to determine if the VMware Web Access service is running:

      service vmware-webAccess status
    3. Run this command to start the VMware Web Access service:

      service vmware-webAccess start
    4. To enable the service to start upon reboot, run this command:

      chkconfig --level 345 vmware-webAccess on
      Note: The ESX firewall must allow webAccess communication or the service will not start when ESX 4.0 boots. To enable webAccess in the ESX firewall, run this command on the ESX host:

      esxcfg-firewall --enableService webAccess
    5. If the VMware Web Access does not start after rebooting the ESX host:
      1. Select the ESX host in vSphere Client.
      2. Click the Configuration tab > Security Profile.
      3. Check vSphere Web Access, then run this command on the ESX console:

        chkconfig --level 345 vmware-webAccess on

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